Your server will now have the default freeroam gamemode and a few more goodies installedįinally we'll talk about configuring and joining our server.Unzip the packages zip into a folder called 'packages' inside your JC3MP server installation folder.Download the current packages from to the directory where you installed the JC3MP Server in Step 1.In Step 2 we will install these and configure your server for the first time. A good starting point are the default packages. JC3MP uses packages to provide Gamemodes and other small features to players.
Without any packages your server will not be of much use, as you won't even have a chat. Steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir 'C:\The Path to your desired JC3MP Server Intallation\' +app_update 619960 validate +quit Therefore Step 1 will explain how to download the server.