But the right way is to find the item IDs. To teleports to a room that contains several boxes of every single item in the game to use. You make sure that to use quotes in it whenever you search for two or more words in it. Next, it would pop up to let you know an NPC called ‘attack dog’ is available with the ID number 000B2BF2. You can also lookup the commands and IDs. Sometimes to pop up the right ID, it can be tricky to get (to select yourself it’s easy accidentally), so you can use the help of free cam (tfc). Additionally, to this option, to the targeted character, many commands act on it-also, whoever the role you clicked on. With the system setting console open, clicking on the item or character, we can see its ID appear. To operate these lots of commands, you have to get to know the NPCs, IDs of items, also the names of the factions and locations.