Defender of the Lost? Considering Stout-Axes seem to be in more 'looser' clothing, a medium geared tank makes more sense. Minstrel - Slave songs and prison chants? Yet, being a peon of the enemy's forces it's unlikely many could read/write. Lore-master - No idea, the 'player character' could have escaped with some scraps of forbidden knowledge. Since the war-machine of Mordor seemed to prefer the mechanised nature of the crossbow (remember all the angmarim and black numenoreans that had them?). I mean sure, would be nice if there was a +5% crossbow racial trait. Hunter - The footman slave scouts and tunnel runners (natural sprinters) for the southern reaches of Mordor. Years of servitutude and the overhead eyes of the enemy would probably require sleight and secrecy in order to secure their escape from slavery.
Simple dual wielding axe stacking dwarf.īurglar - Stout-Axes would be quieter and more 'beaten down' than regular Longbeards. It is unlikely that they would have leaders whilst being in the lower caste of Sauron's enslavement.Ĭhampion - Yeah, quite likely. Considering that the Stout-Axes are a race stripped of their heraldry, history and leaders.
Captain - Pretty obvious that this won't be an option.